Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dog food

Choosing a good dry dog food isn’t as easy as it may seem. Most of the dry feed is produced from corn and other plants. However, cats and dogs are carnivores and they should be fed a diet whose main ingredient is meat. Meat proteins are more easily absorbed by the body of animals, have a much better quality than plant proteins and contains more amino acids necessary to our pet.

So  why food is produced from vegetable protein? The answer is obvious! In animal diets we can find cereals because they are cheaper than meat and hold the ground together and not because they are a suitable food for carnivores. If food is to include cereals, we need to ensure that they are whole grains. Meat and fats should be identified by species. If it’s not specified, the quality of the meat can’t be estimated.

Choosing a dog food - in particular, we should avoid: products of unknown origin, foods high in preservatives, artificial colors and sweeteners and containing meat of unknown origin. Unfortunately, these substances can cause an allergic reaction in your pet. Also remember to carefully read the label and check the expiration date of products!

As you can see choosing the right food for your dog is just as important as in the case of man. Concerned about the health and well-being pet food should choose the highest quality. Often, the high price is an indicator of good quality food. It should consult with your veterinarian choose food that is sure to recommend us to appropriate food for your dog in terms of race, age, or health status. 

What about you? Do you buy well known, widely advertised foods and treats for pets? What are your experiences?

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